subs·GURU is a all inclusive solution software which resolve start-up's issues. subs·GURU manages your accounting, the contract’s establishment, billing and much more.
subs·GURU is a subscriptions billing open source software, established on issues' start-ups : subs·GURU manages accounting issues, plans establishement, including options and different prices which can be ajust; but also several payment methods, invoicing editing ans automates the PDF’s bill sending.
Manages accounting, the contract’s establishment, billing and much more :
Every start-ups who got a business aboute subscriptions billing can benefit subs·GURU, like SaaS software’s editors, IOT services, OEM platforms. Accountments, customers communities/unions and even new industry’s economic models can use our software.
Everything in the control panel is personalizable :
We trust in the community’s talent, in all of you. We’re sure that you can help us to develop more features to do a more complete software.
subs·GURU is an Open Source Software because we trust in everyone. Each of us got some talentd and we offer you to help us to continue to build the most complet software as possible.
You can add features needed, option to wanna see, you're totally free in your proposition and your work. Don't forget to join us our community Slack and GitHub !
You have to build the customer's subscription plan, choose about options to include in the contract, to establish the variable price or let the fixed price written on subs·GURU's panel.
Then, you must fix the payment schedule (right here, you can, as before, choose between general schedule settings or adjust with customer's wishes.
Once the firsts steps are completed, you can manage customer's accounting, establish his invoice that he can receive by an e-mail in PDF format.
Later, you can have a large view on metrics like MRR, CHURN, ARPU and more to allow you to correct if any trouble happens before it takes a large proportion.
subs·GURU was built to allow users to focus on customers’ values thanks to all the features included.
A customer can have some subscriptions, but these subscriptions can be organized in many ways.
To configure your system, you have to create the complete configuration which define your plans. You’ll find just below global subscriptions ans plan’s use explications.
A contract define a commercial relationship with the customers, on a defined period. A subscription defines details which will be billed to the customer (can have personalized fields. A period is an contract’s iteration (beginning and duration are defined by the contract). Period is manages automatically.
Join us on our GitHub to find all the resources you need to help us develop more features and more.
Also, join our community slack to talk and share with the others talents who wanna help us.
And finally, join our social networks to stay aware about all the subs·GURU actuality.